Get In touch with us
Sivabakkiam Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Person is an Organization registered under The Non-Profitable Public Charitable Indian Trust Act 1882 (Register No-113/2003, Dated- 11-12-2003) at Namakkal, Tamilnadu. Our Organization has an Acre of Land to the destitute Girl and Boy children (Children Home), Adult Student (After Care Home), Elders (Old Age Home), Destitute Person with Physically and Mentally Challenged Person (Special School for Mentally Challenged), with all facilities like separate dormitory, separate dining, medical, gym, play ground, library and etc…
- +91 4286 268009 / +91 94882 00300, +91 93631 05330
- 2/89, Ayakkattupalayam, Manathi (Post) , Tiruchengode (Taluk), Namakkal (District) - 637 212.