Our free type Old Age Home is helping for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them by given shelter, food, clothing and medical care
Sivabakkiam Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Person is an Organization registered under The Non-Profitable Public Charitable Indian Trust Act 1882 (Register No-113/2003, Dated- 11-12-2003) at Namakkal, Tamilnadu. Our Organization has an Acre of Land to the destitute Girl and Boy children (Children Home), Adult Student (After Care Home), Elders (Old Age Home), Destitute Person with Physically and Mentally Challenged Person (Special School for Mentally Challenged), with all facilities like separate dormitory, separate dining, medical, gym, play ground, library and etc…
The Chairman of the Trust, Thiru. K. Kasirajan, has acquired specialized qualifications in the field of Special Education is designing and formulating rehabilitation strategies for the Disabled with a strong commitment to societal welfare and with deep empathy for the under privileged. He is a dynamic and diverse learner to help disabled that inspires innovation, creativity and collaboration from all spheres of our country. His academics are anchored by his distinguished service and support by providing cutting-edge facilities to disabled.
His voice: whatever path you’ve chosen for yourself here to help to the disabled you can be sure that such opportunities await you. Your job is to seek out those opportunities and take full advantage of them. In fact it might be the way to reach the god’s pervasiveness.
Sivabakkiam Rehabilitation Centre forDisabled Person